I cooked
Asparagus Officinalis or very obviously those yummy green stalks that pop up in spring and have charmed people since the time of De re coquinara to the George Foreman grill cookbook. I was going to pick the unused Asparagus from Rob's garden next year for my mom, but hey she decided to forfeit the treasures from my gathering sessions. So anyway I've decided to cook Asparagus again, again, and again. My recipe last night was soy sauce, chopped cashews, sesame and flax seeds. I added the cashews to obtain protein because I didn't know Asparagus carried protein in it's very cells.

Soy crusted Asparagus
1/2 pound fresh Asparagus
1/4 cup cashews
sesame seeds and flax seeds to taste
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 medium sauce pan
measuring cups
wax paper
cookie tray
1. Preheat the oven to 150 F.
2. Clean, steam, and cook the asparagus until just soft.
3. Finely chop the cashews.
4. Add the cashews, and seeds to the covered cookie tray and put in the oven.
5. Mix cashews, and seeds with the Asparagus, drizzle with soy sauce.
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